Underrated step for logic building in programming.

Logic building is a crucial and complex skill in programming. In essence, it is ability to come-up with solution of coding problem and write precise instructions ( or code) that a computer can execute autonomously. This skill requires aligning your thought process with computer and its capabilities. And running through code some-what abstractly to know and predict the behavior of code before it is executed. To be able to do this, one essential step that many beginner programmers overlook is performing dry runs. Understanding Dry Runs The concept of a dry run in programming is straightforward: can you mentally execute your code and predict its output without actually running it on a computer? While this seems simple, it is a challenging task. Typically, we are taught to write code, run it, and observe the output. This cycle is essential because code needs to run to be validated. However, if you rely solely on running your code to understand its behavior, you may struggle with building

Creating a Dynamic Search Bar in React: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Above image shows the working mechanism this project 
Source code: Source code link    

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial where we'll explore the step-by-step process of building a dynamic search bar in React. Throughout this guide, we will delve into implementing conditional show/hide functionalities and enabling filtering capabilities within the search bar. To kick things off, let's initiate your project using 'npm create vite@latest'. Additionally, we'll be leveraging the 'react-icons' package to enhance the search bar's visual elements; installation is as simple as running 'npm i react-icons'.

Let's break down the project into two key sections:

1. Show and Hide Functionality of the Search Bar

2. Rendering Match Results Based on the Search Input

Section 1: Show and Hide Functionality:

- Create SearchBar component with input field and close icon. Import it to App.jsx.

-  Initialize useState  to track input in search's input field.[searchInput, setsearchInput]

- In App.jsx import search icon and other icons that you like to have.

- Initialize useState to track the display of search bar.[isSearch,setIsSearch]

- Assign setIsSearch to close and search icons to control hide and show of searchBar.

- You can use ternary operator like in tutorial or if else to dynamically render search bar and icons.

Section 2: Rendering Match Results:

- Initialize useState [filteredSearch, setFilteredSearch] of type array to render out a list of match results.

- Create a dummy data, usually data would come from your backend or third party api but for now you can create a dummy one and import it where you want to use it.

- Create a function to filter out result from your dummy data and set it to filteredSearch.

- handleSearch function :  `handleSearch` performs a search operation on a list of `Users` (dummy data) based on a `searchInput` value. Let's break it down step by step:

1. **Function Trigger**: `const handleSearch = () => { ... }` defines a function called `handleSearch` using arrow function syntax (`() => { ... }`).

2. **Input Validation**: The first conditional statement (`if (searchInput !== "") { ... }`) ensures that the search is performed only if there's a value present in the `searchInput` variable.

 This prevents unnecessary search operations when the input field is empty.

3. **Filtering Users**: Inside the conditional block, the code uses the `filter` method on an array of `Users`. It iterates through each `user` in the `Users` array.

4. **Search Criteria**: Within the `filter` method, it checks each `user` by transforming the user object's values into a single string using `Object.values(user).join("")`. This converts the user object into a string, allowing for a case-insensitive search.

5. **Case-Insensitive Search**: It then converts both the generated string and the `searchInput` string to lowercase using `.toLowerCase()` for a case-insensitive search.

6. **Matching Search Input**: The `.includes()` method is used to check if the lowercase concatenated string of a user's values includes the lowercase `searchInput`. If it does, the user is considered a match for the search.

7. **Filtered Results**: Users that match the search criteria are stored in a variable named `searched`.

8. **Setting State**: Finally, the `searched` array containing the filtered users is set as the state using the `setFilteredSearch` function. This allows the application to update its state.

- To run this function whenever searchInput change, use useEffect.

- You can use debouncing technique to helps in controlling the frequency of invoking the search function.

 It ensures that the search operation only triggers after a short delay (400ms in this case) following the last change in the searchInput, thereby optimizing performance and avoiding unnecessary or rapid search calls during user input.

- Use map method on filteredSearch array to render list of matched result.

- Wrap in around by ternary operator as before to conditionally show, if searchInput is not empty.


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